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World Atlas: Saint Pierre and Miquelon

World Atlas: Saint Pierre and Miquelon. On this page you can see the map, country flag and many detailed information about the people, history and economy of Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

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Information about Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Here you can find online selected information about the geography, inhabitants, government, economy and history of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Included are selected statistics, an overview map and the detailed map of Saint Pierre and Miquelon. But let's start with the flag of Saint Pierre and Miquelon here:

Saint Pierre and Miquelon - Overview:

What you should know about Saint Pierre and Miquelon? Let's start with this: First settled by the French in the early 17th century, the islands represent the sole remaining vestige of France's once vast North American possessions. They attained the status of an overseas collectivity in 2003.

Geography of Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Where on the globe is Saint Pierre and Miquelon? The location of this country is Northern North America, islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, south of Newfoundland (Canada). Total area of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is 242 sq km, of which 242 sq km is land. So this is quite a small country. How could we describe the terrain of the country? This way: mostly barren rock. The lowest point of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is Atlantic Ocean 0 m, the highest point Morne de la Grande Montagne 240 m. And the climate is cold and wet, with considerable mist and fog; spring and autumn are often windy.

Inhabitants of Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Let's take a look how many people live in Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The number is: 5,533 (July 2017 est.). So not so many people live here. Who lives here? Basques and Bretons (French fishermen). What are the languages in Saint Pierre and Miquelon? French (official). And the religions: Roman Catholic 99%, other 1%. How old are the people in average? 46.5 years. We have to add that this number is the median - so one half of the people is older than this, one half is younger. And what is their life expectancy (at birth)? This: 80.6 years. Where the people live in Saint Pierre and Miquelon? Here: most of the population is found on Saint Pierre Island; a small settlement is located on the north end of Miquelon Island. The major urban areas of Saint Pierre and Miquelon are: Saint-pierre (capital) 5,000 (2014).

Government and Economy of Saint Pierre and Miquelon

The capital of Saint Pierre and Miquelon is Saint-Pierre and the government type parliamentary democracy (Territorial Council); overseas collectivity of France. Let's take a look at the administrative divisions - none (territorial overseas collectivity of France); note - there are no first-order administrative divisions as defined by the US Government, but there are 2 communes at the second order - Saint Pierre, Miquelon. Regarding the economy of Saint Pierre and Miquelon, important industrial products are fish processing and supply base for fishing fleets; tourism. Important agricultural products are vegetables; poultry, cattle, sheep, pigs; fish. The most important export commodities are fish and fish products, soybeans, animal feed, mollusks and crustaceans, fox and mink pelts and the most important export partners are unknown. The most important import commodities are meat, clothing, fuel, electrical equipment, machinery, building materials and the most important import partners are unknown. How rich is Saint Pierre and Miquelon and how rich are people in this country? The most important number here is GDP per capita (PPP): $34,900 (2006 est.). This means the living standards are good here. Let's add that this means Gross Domestic Product per person, which is recalculated with respect to the relative cost of local goods and services. And one more important number - population below poverty line: NA%.

Map of Saint Pierre and Miquelon

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